When resource coordinator at Level Offshore, Kaj-Stian Apeland had the industry’s attention, he had an important message to the industry at large – and a spark for debate.
–For the industry to prosper, we need to deliver flexibility, he says from the stage, highlighting the importance of having agencies that specialize in managing seasonal fluctuations in activity – Level Offshore’s main objective.
He admits he had a great time at the event, hosted by the Norwegian Forum for Offshore Survey and Positioning in Bergen.
– I always prefer meeting face-to-face. That’s what makes it possible to establish true connections with new people, as well as strengthen ties with existing contacts, he says.
The main theme discussed was how contracting agencies can meet the growing personnel-needs of the surveying industry. Apeland firmly believes close relationships are the key.
– We need to have close ties with our clients. The reciprocal communication that emerges naturally when meeting in-person is the foundation for the trust that carries our operations, he says.
Healthy competition
Shaped by the competition-driven locker-room culture from his life as a professional footballer – and perhaps a slight lack of stage fright – Apeland naturally ignited the healthy competition between companies in the audience.
– Part of what makes us deliver above and beyond is our location in Haugesund – the subsea capital of Norway, Apeland said, provoking the audience representing ambitious companies from regions who are striving to prove otherwise.
…carrying the industry forward.