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The art of balance in subsea-staffing

In Level Offshore’s mission to provide quality staffing to the offshore industry, success hinges on a delicate balance. On one side, clients have problems they want solved through Level Offshore’s…
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Exceeding expectations with core values

In 2024, Level Offshore has experienced significant growth, increasing its customer base by an impressive 30%. Brian Lie, Level Offshore’s recruitment specialist, attributes this success to the dedication and quality…
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Level Offshore employees

A Look Back on 2023

2023 is coming to an end, and as we reflect on 365 days filled with excitement, joy, and challenges, Level Offshore has experienced significant growth this year. After nearly 6…
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Gaselle company- second year in a row!

It fills us with joy to once again be among the 2% of Norwegian companies recognized as Gaselle companies for the second year in a row! Gaselle companies represent the…
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Artikkel i Haugesunds avis

Behovet for norske sjøfolk har vært stort det siste halvannet året. Det har Level Offshore fått kjenne på. Vi ønsker å gi flere unge og talentfulle haugalendinger sjansen, sier Denisse…
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